Privacy Statement

Prospay United is committed to protecting your privacy. Prospay United. will not rent, sell or share any information about you with any third parties nor use any personal information for purposes other than answering your inquiries on our products, services and notifying you about offers only from us.
How the information about you is used.
If you submit a request, inquiry, complaint, or comment to us through our website, we may use the information you provide us, such as your Name, Email Address, Mailing Address, Telephone Number or Facsimile Number to contact you.
Information collected about you.
You can visit most of our web pages without telling us who you are or revealing any personal information about yourself. We may track your Internet Protocol (“IP”) address and your domain name to help us analyze this data for trends and statistics, but you will remain anonymous unless you voluntarily tell us who you are. This monitoring helps us evaluate how our website is used and continuously improve the content we provide. IP addresses are not linked to personally identifiable information.
The use of Cookies.
When you visit Prospay United. website, you can visit the website anonymously. We do not use Cookies to collect information from or store information on your own hard drive.
External Links.
Prospay United. website may contain links to other websites. Visitors should consult privacy policies for all other websites as Prospay United. has no control over information submitted to or collected by such third parties.
Notification of Policy Changes.
Prospay United. may need to update this policy from time to time in order to address new issues and reflect changes on website. Please visit our Privacy Policy page periodically to read the additions and/or revisions, so that you will always know what information we collect and how the information will be used.